Anyone who has children, knows that Cheerios are a staple food in the house. This recipe uses this staple food, and combines them with a little almond butter for added protein. These are seriously addictive even for adults. Plus, they take no time to make!
1/2 cup almond butter, or any other nut butter
1/2 cup agave syrup
4 1/2 cups Cheerios
In a small pot, heat up almond butter and agave syrup on medium heat until it is smooth, just a couple of minutes. While that is heating up, place Cheerios in a large bowl. Once the almond butter and agave syrup are smooth, pour over Cheerios. Stir until evenly coated. Press Cheerios into a Pyrex dish, use a smaller one for thicker bars, and a larger one for thiner bars. Let cool in the fridge for a couple of hours before cutting.